Monday, May 08, 2006

Happy Ocho de Mayo!

In New Jersey before 10am for what I thought were going to be all day client meetings. Something about this, telsl me that it was not one of the ideas the agency behind Corona brand threw around while deciding on the perfect way to depict Cinco de Mayo…Unfortunately it is exactly how I spent most of my day.

The weather was beautiful, the temperature just near perfect for patio day drinking…Luckily my meetings ended sooner than I thought and I was able to make my way back into the city, my smile from ear to ear. After all, much like St. Patty’s day, Cinco de Mayo fell on a Friday which meant I could lick my wounds the next day while on my couch and not at my desk.

I made it home in the late afternoon, slipped on some jeans, flip flops and even a pair of sunglasses to make my uniform complete. The only thing I was missing was set of maracas. Upon arriving at local Mexican Place in Murray Hill I was not surprised to find a line out the door. However, my friends and diehard loco patrons were already inside with a warm seat and a cold beer waiting for me…

After hours spent at that fine establishment and a grande bill that a vendor of ours happen to pick up, we headed to our normal stomping grounds, Third and Long. To our surprise the place was packed to the point of people hanging out the windows. But of course, in a way that was very similar to the way the Mexican Army fought their way past the French to later defeat them and give us this great day of celebration, we marched right into that place and muscled up at the bar.

Another similar characteristic to that fatal war on this sunny Friday afternoon and now early evening were the causalities as the battle went on…Friends, strangers, and even co-workers were dropping like tequila soaked worms. (It’s a Mexican expression, trust me)

I ran into a large group of friends around 8p and decided that why bother with this large crowd of strangers who had so rudely packed our bar and that we should just all take our beans and rice back to my place. I can only imagine what we looked like cruising down Third Avenue, 15 or so people, laughing their asses off and taking it all in…

The afternoon was good, the evening was great and the next morning was disaster. Let’s just say the bum who finds our reclying bin this week is going to think he or she hit the jackpot! It was a great group of people that made for a perfect Cindo de Drinko…

Thanks for listening


At 11:47 AM , Blogger Swa said...

Words simply cannot describe you leading your herd of drunken colleagues out of Third and Long and setting them up in a single file line, as if they were on the field trip from hell. Priceless....


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