Beer Bong for the Lady
Saturday night at home, roommates out on the town, the couch and sushi to myself…aint nothing better. After my bartending debut the night before, I decided it was time to take it easy. Plus, I knew if I went out I would blow the entire wad of cash I was fortunate enough to leave the bar with Friday night. I bounced around for Forest Gump to some terrible reality TV on VH1 while I dined on my Spicy Tuna and Philadelphia rolls. When you have roommates it’s nice to get the place to yourself. Funny little things like leaving my dirty clothes on the bathroom floor after I had taken a shower were my little highlights. (Don’t worry I picked them up before I hit the sack)
I spent yesterday afternoon with a recently broken hearted girlfriend. I took the 6 train to Union Square, an area I wish I spent more time in, to meet up for drinks. The weather was beautiful and much warmer than it’s been the last couple of weeks. While I waited for her to show up (how did people find each other at rendezvous before cell phones) I cruised over to the mini dog park. I sadly had to leave my lil guy back in Arizona. Clyde was is name, just about the most calm, well behaved Jack Russell Terrier on the planet. After the barking and smell of dog poopy was a little too much, I walked over to the fresh market that had taken over the Northwest corner of the park. There was everything from organic bacon to fresh tulips. I know it’s cheesy, but it kind of reminded me of that move “You’ve got Mail.”
Once my friend and I found each other, we headed south to find a bar. She needed a drink and I could tell that from the sound of her voice. That’s the nice thing about New York, I didn’t necessary have a bar in mind, but I knew we would be ok. We walked down University Street looking from a place for her to drown her sorrows and for me to dry them off. She’s a good friend of mine, so I hate to see her so upset. She had been dating a guy for a few months now, but he told her early that day, over the phone no less, it was time to take “a break” ala Ross and Rachel.
I haven’t met the gentleman or should I say young man, as he is only 23 years old. My girl friend, a few years older deserves much more and will surely find it. I have always seemed to be the shoulder to cry on, the hand to hold, or the ear to listen when it comes to break ups for as long as I can remember. I guess I just try and listen, give my opinion and make sure they don’t feel bad about themselves. That’s the worst part about being broken up with, or hurt by someone else, it makes you feel bad about you. Maybe it’s that exact element of dating that I know exists that keeps me from getting into a serious relationship?
Well I’m off to enjoy a blistering Sunday in the city…
Thanks for listening
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